Dr. Liza Klassen, ND
The Full Story
Features of CWYC
The accumulation of all my years of training. This is the first step in advancing our collective reproductive literacy. It includes lifetime access to:
Four Core Workshops - one for each stage of your cycle.
Bonus Module: Your Cycle 101 - the health class you didn't know you needed.
A workbook to guide you through the 4 week's journey.
A list of foods to assist with balancing your hormones; think fibre, fermented foods and more!
An ovulation tracker & nutritional guidelines to take advantage of this ‘golden window’.
The BS of PMS: A guidebook on habits to integrate into your daily routine to assist.
A period health checklist to establish your unique baseline & identify areas you may need extra support
Guided breath work & meditation resources + weekly journal & manifestation prompts
Access to our growing Facebook community of empowered women who are ready to support and encourage you along your journey.
The Follicular Phase
1. Estrogen's role in your cycle
2. Why we feel GOOD in our Follicular phase
3. Get creative, dream big, plan
4. Don't overdo it!
5. Journal prompt: your ideal self (see the additional resource for more!)
6. Carve out time for Cardio
7. Eating to support estrogen metabolism; Fibre, Fermentation & More!
8. Why regular bowel movements are KEY for hormonal health
9. Reducing your environmental estrogen exposure
10.Gut Health IS Hormone Health
The Ovulatory Phase
Ovulation is the PURPOSE of your cycle
Your Fertile Window: the only time conception is possible in your cycle
Physical signs of ovulation & what they mean
Positive Cycle Tracking - breaking the negative narrative
Communication & connection, stepping into your most outgoing self
Understanding your POWER
Thinking about workouts? HIIT it.
The importance of caloric & protein adequacy for hormone support
When Testosterone is too high & what to do about it
ACNE - simple solutions to combat those pesky bumps.
The Luteal Phase
1. The luteal phase as 2 parts; before & during PMS
2. PMS warning signs & red flag symptoms
3. Get S*$% done!
4. Moving inward, understanding what makes you feel GOOD
5. Cue the Carbs - satisfying your increased metabolic rate
6. Dietary interventions for specific PMS symptoms
7. How just 1 alcoholic drink/day increases the odds of experiencing PMS
8. My favourite supplements for hormonal health
9. Progesterone & the importance of a 14 day luteal phase
10. Nutrients to boost Progesterone Production
The Menstrual Phase
1. Your Period as the Fifth Vital Sign
2. What is a "normal" period
3. Proper period tracking
4. Tapping into your intuition
5. Proactive Ret - Creating space for rest & rejuvenation
6. Eating for period pain
7. Evidence based supplements for Period Pain
8. Cortisol and her impact on your reproductive hormones
9. The 4 types of stress & which category you dominate in
10. Meditation & Breathing + guided Box Breathing Exercise
The Reproductive Literacy Revolution
This is the knowledge that previously has only available to my 1:1 clients for 4 times the price. However, in an effort to uphold my values and my mission, I have decided to make it available to as many women as possible - I deeply believe that this knowledge is the key that will take us from feeling burdened by our bodies to feeling as if radically alive in each and every moment!